Food for thought? When the client is entering the vehicle should you be looking at the client or looking away from the client , looking for threats ? I get asked this question a lot from protection agents- lets talk about this.
Peter Smith Ian: All Too often , CP and security are looking at the client/principal , instead of what’s going on around them , this is especially noticeable on premieres and concerts where they are NOT looking at the crowd/audience/fans/Paps, ? That’s where the threat is most likely to come from , In short, when opening a door you naturally look inside the car (the driver should of been with the vehicle all the time , so should of been secure) allow them to enter the vehicle , look away, especially if it’s a female with a short skirt on , constantly scanning around 360 deg, we are constantly trying to mitigate the risk , by removing, reducing, controlling the threat !! Once In the vehicle , final scan around, offer the VIP the seat belt, without the need to put your head in the car, check leg , dress , jacket etc isn’t going to get caught in the door , then close the door !!
Peter Smith Ian: It’s often hard to explain in text grrr
Peter Smith Ian: I need to come over to the states and run a lengthy British CP/EP course lol
Philip Glenn: I work all over the world and I get the same question from people overseas and in the states.this is a global question that I want people to think about. Thanks for you answer sir
Peter Smith Ian: I could go on about , exiting a vehicle, the knicker/money shot, covering with your jacket, opening the door slightly, allowing them to swing their legs out , then opening the door fully, putting your heels to the wheels, (which may eliminate 180 degree of the threat , the age of the principal , the threat, location , Type of vehicle , if they want to self drive etc etc , the list could go on and on sir however it is all down to professionalism , confidence in your job, AND your positioning
Peter Smith Ian: However, there are many variants in CP, nothing is black and white , I’d like to hear more ideas, “every day is a school day”
Philip Glenn: This question was to provoke a deep understanding of the tactics that it takes to perform our profession. And as you can see there I tons of answers from different scenarios. This is why I left the question open ended / with held some key details -so you can understand the different veritable it takes to perform this simple task. We have to be right all the time, they attack / attackers only have to be right one time. P.S. I own my company and have conducted high profile protection in 36 countries- just a little background info.
Peter Smith Ian: Yep, I am ex military, freelance PPO, CP instructor , tactical driving advisor , for many years ,and also worked globally -just a little brief background info also ?