Some of the best and most sought after professional bodyguards around the world have a tremendous amount of experience in the Law Enforcement or military fields, there can be no doubt about that.
Both the Law Enforcement world and the military world are very strict disciplinarians, they focus on life-saving and stressful situations skills, and they train the men and women that are part of them to take action in the face of danger while protecting those under their charge.
At the same time, it is absolutely not a requirement to have police or military experience to become a professional bodyguard.
There are plenty of professional bodyguards who have built legendary careers without having ever put on a police officer or military uniform, and many of these individuals came from other industries that would absolutely shock people if they knew.
However, if you are thinking about breaking into this industry without a military, police or private security background, you are going to be starting at a disadvantage. I’d be lying if I didn’t tell you that up front.
But just because former soldiers and cops are ahead of you from a combat and discipline standpoint, the truth of the matter is you should be able to catch up to them when you focus on building the same skills but strictly from a bodyguard standpoint. In some ways this can even work to your advantage.
Professional Bodyguard Training
The major equalizer when competing with former LEOs and soldiers for bodyguard jobs is completion of an industry respected training program. There are multiple bodyguard training centers in the U.S. offering comprehensive bodyguard training programs and certifications, with career guidance and placement assistance offered to boot.
You’ll get training on firearms, close personal protection, evasive driving, strategic route planning, and a whole host of other critical skills – and you’ll be able to learn from a completely fresh perspective of a bodyguard first, something that might be more difficult for someone from a military or police background.
Agency Training
The overwhelming majority of top bodyguard agencies are going to want all of their new hires to be trained up to their own unique Standard Operating Procedures. If you’ve been through a professional bodyguard training program and can get hired as an entry-level employee at a good agency, there is no better way to level the playing field for yourself.
On top of that, most agencies pay for ongoing advanced training for all of their employees. With a few years experience in the field at a top firm, you’ll be able to compete for future positions head-to-head with LEO and military folks on an even footing (and get paid nicely along the way)!